Public Security

The Intelligent Video Monitoring and Analysis System can automatically identify and extract characteristics of individuals and objects, recognize abnormal behaviors and emergencies. 

The Public Security Management Platform is able to obtain accurate real time information related to public safety which allows the operators to have a comprehensive situation awareness hence enable swift response. Other capabilities of the system include: 


Ÿ   Crime analysis

Ÿ   Public security management

Ÿ   Public security data analysis

Ÿ   Video surveillance

Ÿ   Community safety

Ÿ   Intelligent dispatch

Ÿ   Transport security


The Intelligent Computer Assisted Deployment (CAD) system supports multiple-source incident reporting, common operating picture on a GIS platform, data analytics, intelligent call handling and tracking, visualization and feedback on the deployed ground resources. Other features include: 


Ÿ   Unified call handling & dispatch

Ÿ   Mobile APP for on-site management

Ÿ   Data collection and analysis system

Ÿ   Integrated management system
